Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Goals for this year

So New Year's Eve came and went without me setting resolutions. I've always hated the idea of resolutions, so this isn't a new occurrence. However, over the month of January, I realized I did have some goals for this year.  So I thought I'd share them.

1. Be healthier 
I just want to make some healthier choices. Eating, drinking, exercise, overall I just need to take better care of myself. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and accept the way I look. I would love to actually enjoy shopping for clothes. I think my unhealthy habits are affecting me too much negatively, so that really needs to change.

2. Get more involved with Iggle Crafts
Last January, I decided I wanted a craft challenge that others might participate in too. So I created one. And there's been a new challenge every month since. This year there's been talk of doing a google hangout mid month with a paint challenge. I couldn't do it in January because I was still battling a flu, so instead we did a live tweet, and it was fabulous. I'm hoping this month I'll either work out a google hangout, or maybe just make a youtube video with the directions. And I'm aiming to do this every month.

3. Take care of my nails again
In January, I experienced quite a few panic attacks. I was intensely stressed. As a result, I started chewing on my nails and cuticles. Something I haven't done since I was 12. And because of that, my nails, nail beds, and cuticles are all cracked/peeling/bleeding/hurting/etc. It hasn't been this bad.. since I was 12. I need to start taking care of my nails again, so I can start painting them again. I used to enjoy painting my nails. I'd like to start again.

4. Be more productive
I'm a night person. Boyfriend is a morning person. So, I've been trying to get my sleep schedule to something "normal". This proves to be ineffective for me production wise. I get less done because I'm most productive at night. There's so much on my to do list and it just keeps piling up because I'm forcing my internal clock to change. This just isn't working. Time to figure out a schedule that's more efficient for me.

5. Finish Zombie dolls
Turning a normal doll in to a zombie doll was an Iggle Craft Challenge for October last year. I had a vision of creating more than one zombie doll. But time got away from me. Things started taking precedence. I got busy. Those dolls are still not done. I keep thinking things like, "well, maybe next month I'll have time to work on them..." But then the next month comes and goes and it's a circle. It has to do with my inefficient schedule. I might have them done by now if I could finish everything else on my to-do list. This year... I hope... I'll finish them.

6. Finish mock art/junk journal
I've always been fascinated by these art journals / junk journals, and so I started making a "mock" journal just to try methods out and work on things and whatnot. But I had to stop working on it at the end of last year, because there just wasn't time. I would love to finish this mock journal before I try making a "real" one.

7. Make art/junk journal(s)
This one coincides with the previous goal. Once I finish the mock journal, I would love to make an art/junk journal for myself for real. And then maybe some extra ones to try and sell somehow. Ha. Goals.

8. Get organized
I started the list with an important goal, and I'm ending the list with an important goal. The situation at this house made me lose my craft room. Things were put in to boxes. And that's how I worked on things. I'd pull items out of boxes, then sit in the dining room to craft. But then the dining room became unavailable. And now I've got nowhere.

Because of the lack of place, I've been purchasing supplies and whatnot and leaving them in bags in a pile in the storage room. Thinking I could go back to that pile for the supplies when I need them. But it's gotten out of hand. I'm losing things I thought I put somewhere I'd remember. Things need to change.

There's a possibility of me finding a space in the basement to turn in to a craft area. It's going to be a terrible place to craft, but it's going to be somewhere. And eventually I'll pick up a small table that will work better, and possibly shelves. This will work, dammit. And I'll be able to work on things without digging through what always seems like the same damned bags without finding what I'm looking for.

Here's hoping for a more successful year!!

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