Friday, April 3, 2015

5 Fandom Friday - Five Times I Totally Fangirled

Another 5 Fandom Friday!! Exactly what this topic is, I'm unsure, so I'm hoping I'm doing it right. ROFL. So here we are... in no particular order:

Five Times I Totally Fangirled

1: When I met Marina Bychkova

Let it be known that I am pictured on the right... and that I am 5'2. (She is tiny!)

For years and years now, Marina Bychkova has been my favorite artist. She makes the most beautiful, porcelain, ball-jointed dolls I've ever seen.

from here
So in 2009, when I found out she was having an exhibit in Wisconsin - mere hours away from me - and best yet, she was going to be there for the opening? Best believe I was there. In fact, I got there a couple hours early. I walked in to confirm I was at the right place and the lady at reception was confused... because I was hours early. I even saw Marina and her guy leave the place to change or eat or whatever before the exhibit opened. Was I insane? Yes. But no regrets.

I didn't want to come empty handed though, so I spent quite some time before the meet making something for Marina.

I made her this silly doll of herself. I stalked pictures online to find reference shots for her hat, her jacket, and her cat.

She was so excited to get this. And I couldn't contain the tears that came when I saw her reaction. Yeah, I fangirled all over the place. Couldn't keep the smile off my face that whole night. I stayed until the exhibit closed for the night, and in my car I had to take several deep breaths to calm myself down.

2: When John Green wore his zombie unicorn hat in a video

screenie from video
I've met John Green more than once. Book signings are fabulous. And two of those times, I brought something for him. The first time I brought him a silly doll in the same style as Marina's above. The other time I gave him a zombie unicorn hat and a humpy hank card. I don't know if he ever actually opened the humpy hank card, or if it got lost in everything, but I do know he got the zombie unicorn hat, because he wore it in an adorable vlogbrothers video.

Damn straight I giggled myself crazy that day when I saw this video.

3: When Toby Turner acknowledged my Minecraft Buscus

I am a huge Tobuscus fan and have been for years and years. And I had wanted to send him something for some time before deciding to make him a lochness monster. I made it... but then it sat on my tv for months before I finally decided to send it. By then, I felt guilty for waiting so long and decided to make him something else as well. Enter Minecraft Buscus. I made it and mailed all of it to him on my birthday in 2011.

Then, some time in 2012, he made a lazyvlog showing off Minecraft Buscus.

yay fuzzy screenie!

HE'S. HOLDING. MINECRAFT BUSCUS. OMG. I flipped out when I saw this lazyvlog. I cried and flailed and giggled. And experienced an overwhelmingly fangirlish joy.

And then I experienced horror.

I tend to ramble when writing letters. I don't know how to edit myself, I guess. And along with Nessie and Minecraft Buscus, I also included a letter. A really long letter.

And he read... the entire thing... in this lazy vlog. The lazy vlog was like ten minutes long because he read the whole flipping letter!! I was mortified. I SHOULD have written on the top that he shouldn't read it on camera, but I didn't think of it because I didn't think he'd read the whole letter on camera! He tends to have a short attention span. And the entire time when I wasn't giggling like an idiot as I watched, I sat there hoping he'd give up reading it all right then. Maybe read it later.

It is, for this reason, that I am not including a link to the vlog. It is entirely too embarrassing to share willingly.

Still though, it was a major fangirl moment for me.

4: When I went to Psych Fan Appreciation Day

In 2011, Psych had a Fan Appreciation Day. And they had a contest online to win tickets to go. I hadn't originally planned on entering, because the tickets were for their event in New York City, which is quite a ways away from Illinois. But, a then friend said she was entering, and so I did too.

She ended up winning two tickets. And then dropping the bomb that she actually wanted to go. So we brainstormed how we could possibly go about doing this. Since I introduced her to the show, she wanted me to go as her plus 1, and I wasn't going to object.

I'm in the white Psych shirt in front

The Fan Appreciation Day was a Thursday. We left around 5pm on Wednesday, drove straight through and got there 17 hours later, leaving us with a couple hours before the event. We spent a couple hours after the event in NYC as well, until leaving. Spent a few hours sleeping in the car in Pennsylvania before heading back home. We got back late Friday night.

Timothy Omundson and Kirsten Nelson
 It was all well worth it. The Fan Appreciation Day took place in a theater, where we got to watch the season premiere episode a week or two before it aired. Then the cast came out and chatted with us. OMG it was hard not to cry and fangirl everywhere.

Corben, Maggie, James, Dule
In this picture, you can see them throwing psych mini footballs. My then friend actually caught one from James. THE squealing and flailing in this place was overwhelming. And so, so fun.

5: When Hank Green loved my Humpy Hank card

In 2011, (OMG... four things in 2011... guess I fangirled a lot that year!!) nerdfighteria sent Hank Green birthday gifts. I have yet to meet Hank Green and it saddens me greatly. But that didn't stop me from sending birthday gifts that year!

I sent him a Jayne hat, a silly doll like the one I made John and Marina, and a humpy Hank card.

What I didn't know was that he would livestream his gifts when he got them. I was out with my then friend, shopping, when an online nerdfighter friend texted me something like an "OMG EEE!!". And I was like... "erm... huh?" At which point she explained he'd opened my humpy hank card live and loves it. Kicked myself for missing that livestream, but then the most glorious thing happened - his vlogbrothers video the day after his birthday.

Rather than only linking to the video, I'm sharing it here because it makes me so very happy and still causes me to fangirl years later.

For most of the video he's wearing the Jayne hat I made him.

Around 58 seconds in is where he shows the silly little doll I made him.

And around 1 min 43 seconds is when he declares that my humpy hank card is probably the best birthday card of all time.

AKJDHIANREFAtyfddPIOYHDSOLKMFDp!!!11!11!#%^ *implodes*

I cannot explain the amount of fangirling that happened during that moment. And then he even says thanks to me. FangirlOVERLOAD.

Okay! That's all! What about you guys? Fave Fangirl moments?

Iggle Squiggle's 5 Fandom Friday

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