Friday, June 19, 2015

5 Fandom Friday - Characters With My Favorite Fictional Fashion

Favorite fictional fashion! I love the ones I chose this week, so let's just get on with it:

1: Effie Trinket 
    (The Hunger Games)

I think this is an obvious choice. I loooove Effie's outfits in the Hunger Games series. They're all so perfect! Well... I love almost all of them - the butterfly one she wears is utterly terrifying. (to someone terrified of almost all insects, butterflies included)  Otherwise, her outfits are fabulous! ♥

2: Daenerys Targaryan
    (Game of Thrones)

One of my favorite things about Dani is her wardrobe. It's all just so fantastic, it makes me wonder where she acquired all of it - does she have her own personal seamstress that's followed her from Illyrio's house to Meereen? Because I love it all. ♥

3: Luna Lovegood
    (Harry Potter)

I love love LOVE Luna. I love her attitude and I love her "loony"ness. I also love her outfits! She very obviously dresses in whatever fits her fancy at the time and I cherish that about her. ♥

4: Penelope Wilhelm

I feel like this movie gets so little love, and yet I absolutely adore it. It's an adorable fairy tale, and it firmly established my crush on James McAvoy. (although I first noticed his cuteness in Narnia) It's also the moment I fell in love with Peter Dinklage. And I've been a long time fan of Christina Ricci. She plays the title character and her outfits are soooo cute!! I love it! ♥

5: Willow Rosenberg
    (Buffy: the Vampire Slayer)

This was the first fictional character I thought of when I thought of favorite fashion, because she's one of the first fictional characters that I actually made a note of when I was little. I remember adoring her clothes, beginning with the quirky high school outfits and how they evolved through the years. I wanted to have Willow's wardrobe when I was little. I still wouldn't mind it today. ♥

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