Friday, January 30, 2015

5 Fandom Friday - Favorite Fandom Accessories I Own

I can never have enough fandom accessories! Here's just five of my favorites!

Favorite Fandom Accessories I Own

1: Luna Lovegood Earrings
I made these based on the book description of Luna's earrings. The earrings in the movies are beaded and look nothing like my interpretation. Ah well. I still love these.

2: Tardis necklace
This is my newest fandom accessory. I think. I bought it last year at Chicago Comic Con. I've been wanting one for a while. The first time I encountered it, I asked to buy it, money in hand, but the lady hesitated because another chick was "thinking about it," even though I'd already asked about it. And the day before that, she had removed it entirely because someone asked to put it on hold. The chick who was thinking about it decided to buy it and I went home, necklace-less. That whole situation kinda urked me and still does. The lady who runs that particular booth comes back every year, and I refuse to buy from her. *shrug*

ANYHOOOOO, I picked this one up from the Doctor Who Store booth, for four dollars cheaper than the lady was charging. So I'll call it a win. It's lovely. :)

3: Hobbit Door necklace
I picked this up from, which isn't around anymore. It's a locket, I think, because the door opens, but I haven't put anything inside. It's so cute though!!

4: Blingtastic Pikachu hair clip things
I got these years ago, and they still make me happy. They're so bling-y that people just register it as some sort of shiny hair thing until closer inspection. Then, randomly, someone will just say "Is... is that pikachu?" Buah haha... yes. Yes it is.

5: Captain Jack Sparrow's ring
I was obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean. Which was funny, because I didn't even want to see the first movie. I was dragged to it. And I loved it. All of the movies. So, naturally, one year for Halloween I was a pirate, and I needed this ring to complete my costume. It is my favorite ring.

I have other accessories - a homemade pair of pokemon ball earrings, a Gryffindor scarf and a tie, my Jayne hat... I loves them all!

Iggle Squiggle's 5 Fandom Friday

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