Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Kinder Surprise!

As mentioned, for my Not So Secret, Not So Christmas Santa swap, I got a Kinder Egg. These damned things are banned in the US for some stupid reason. Not "some" stupid reason rather - from what I gathered - it's a law from 1938 that's got these banned. Something something that translates to, "American parents are so dumb, they hand their children random candies willy nilly, then their stupid American kids choke because they are apparently too dumb to grasp the concept of not eating the whole thing, and the parents get upset and need someone to blame." I think that's what it is.

Must be, because these damned Kinders are sold almost everywhere else. Technically, in my youth, Nestle came out with a "Magic Ball", which was a hollow ball of chocolate that housed a tiny plastic Disney toy of some sort. But alas, it didn't last long, because those effing parents needed someone to blame. As a kid, I only managed to pick up one of those Magic Balls before they disappeared off shelves. I recall how excited I was, and even remember the toy I got. It was a tiny Nala from The Lion King. And I tied a bit of bright blue embroidery around her neck as a leash and took her everywhere. I didn't choke on her. But then, I'm only half "American". I'm also half "Filipino". Maybe that's the difference. *shrug*

Essentially, it's stupid that these Kinder Eggs are banned. Everyone thinks so except for those stupid parents.


I was bit by the nostalgia bug as I held this Kinder Surprise, it was bringing me back to my Magic Ball. Haha.

The chocolate is very thin, and very little pressure was needed to open it.

Inside the layer of thin chocolate, there's also a "milky lining".

The chocolate doesn't taste bad. Reminds me of hollow chocolate Santas/Easter Bunnies.

Inside the chocolate is a yolk colored, plastic container. And inside that is a toy.

Some assembly required.

This little gizmo spirals perfectly when you throw it properly.

Overall, this Kinder Egg was a cute experience. I had always wondered about them, never getting a chance to try one, until now. The US needs to lift that ban already. Geeze.

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