Friday, January 9, 2015

5 Fandom Friday - My Favorite Things About Winter

BEHOLD! My very first 5 Fandom Friday post! I've been reading these posts from friends' for ages, and only just asked about them last week. How on earth does everyone know what to write each week? Ha. But someone pointed me towards the origin of this series, and from there I've navigated my way to today!

I cannot complain about my first 5 Fandom Friday post, because today's topic is fabulous!!

My Favorite Things About Winter

1: It's cold
I am one of those rare people who prefer the cold over warmer, hotter days. For most, any other season might be their favorite, but for me, it is winter! I am a winter gal!! The way I see it, when it's winter-y cold, you can always warm up under more layers. In Summer, you can only take so much off. My bedroom often gets waaaay too much heat from the vents, so in addition to closing them, I might also crack a window. THIS IS MY SEASON TO THRIVE.

2: Snow
It's frozen white goodness that falls from the sky! It makes the world look fresh and bright and clean. It makes the world seem more quiet. Have you ever been outside during a large snowfall? One without wind? It's almost as if someone hit the mute button. It's so quiet and peaceful! And snow is beautiful! It glitters in the light!

3: December
Here in the states, December is in winter. December has Christmas. Of course I love Christmas. And for my family, it also has my father's birthday, my birthday, my brother's birthday, and my parent's anniversary. Plus, December has New Year's Eve, where we say goodbye to yesteryear and hello to the new year! I love December!

4: An excuse to have hot chocolate
Yes, hot chocolate is good at any time, but in the winter, it just feels right. And I am a gal who loves hot chocolate! Not much else to be said about it, because well duh - chocolate!

5: Holiday Hours
How many times in my life have I thought, "Oh! I should run out to Target/Michaels/the mall/etc. and pick up that ______!!" only to check the clock and find out I'm two minutes past closing, or I won't have enough time to get there? I'm a night person, so this scenario happens very, very often. In the winter though, usually starting in November and continuing in to December, a beautiful thing called "holiday hours" happens. Where I'll think of a place to go, and see that it's two minutes past normal closing hours, but I can still go, because the holiday hours are extended by an hour or two!

Really, I love winter. So, so much! ♥ ♥ ♥

January 16th: Conventions I've Been To Or Wish To Attend
January 23rd: Songs That Changed My Life
January 30th: Favorite Fandom Accessories I Own

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