Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Princess Pen Pals

Another blog post about another one of my loves at the moment: Princess Pen Pals.


Princess Pen Pals was created by a lovely Iggle within the IGGPPC community who wanted to be a princess, and really, who doesn't want to be a princess? Essentially it is a role playing game. You create your character and the world that they live in. The character doesn't even have to be a princess. You write a default introduction of your character and their world, and then you choose another "Princess" to write to. You each send your letters and go from there.

I must admit, I was at first intrigued and terrified at this idea. I wanted my own world too, but I'd never role played before! While I still sat on the fence about joining this tiny group of "Princesses", my mind went crazy with ideas of my world. It seemed my mind knew exactly who my character would be, and what my world would look like. I have a notebook with all of the ideas, and trying to sort things out was tricky, and yet they all fit together well. In the end, I chose two "Princesses" to correspond with, my introduction letter was over 1,000 words, and my character seeks friendship.

I deliberately decided that my character, a Queen, would only seek friendship, because I knew that would be a safe action to attempt for my first whack at role playing. Since I only sought new friends, I could easily adjust to whatever actions my correspondent was taking.

My first Princess Pen Pal is actually a Princess. She lives in a world full of Unicorns and seeks allies. Our letters are working nicely together.

My second Princess Pen Pal is not a princess, she is a Shadow Priestess, and she is seeking help for her world, which is trapped by unknown forces.

Overall, I'm incredibly happy with my decision to join the other Princess Pen Pals. It is quite fun having to depend highly on my imagination to write these letters. Sometimes I get stuck and have to sit on the story line a while, plan out the next move. It'll be fun to see where these stories will lead!

Not to mention, it has increased my interest in all things princess - specifically items with crowns on them. :)

Princess Pen Pals

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