Friday, February 6, 2015

5 Fandom Friday - Favorite Funko Pop Figures

This is a fun topic! I just wish I had more Funkos in my collection to choose from! Actually, I had planned on writing a post on all my Funkos, but then I saw this 5 Fandom Friday, and decided to wait it out. Expect that post later this week probably.

Favorite Funko Pop Figures

1: Baymax

Immediately after watching the movie, I wanted something Baymax. So I went to the Disney store. They didn't have anything. So I went online and ordered a Funko. Hee. He's a bit larger than the other Funko Pop Figures, and he might be pearlescent? Super cute. He shipped super fast too!! I ordered him December 16th, and he was at my door by the 18th. It was most welcome, because this Baymax is adorable. ♥ ♥ ♥

2: Castiel

Castiel and Crowley are my favorite characters on Supernatural. I wanted this one for a while, but he was a Hot Topic exclusive and I despise the Hot Topic nearest me. It's sooo small, and there's always so many people and... I have a fear of crowds and small spaces. I tend to want to wander HT, go in 1/4 of the way, then freak out and leave. At cons, he sells for $40+ because he's exclusive. So I kept looking at him online. And in December I found someone on Ebay selling him for $20 shipped. Which was an acceptable amount for me to pay, so I nabbed him. I love Cas. He's adorable. I also need the Crowley Funko. Someday.

3: Dancing Groot

This one! HEEEE! At... Chicago Comic Con, I was looking for regular Groot, (that same month was when Loot Crate had their exclusive version. Oh how I wish I could have that one!) and I found one finally for $20, which made me happy, but then I saw this version and HAD TO HAVE IT. So cute!! I placed a pre-order, and got it a month sooner than I thought I would! And then, last month, I was at Walgreens and happened to find one there. So I grabbed it! Am I keeping both? Maybe. Or maybe I'll give the extra one away! Haha.

4: Dr. Hooves

I picked this guy up at the Doctor Who convention last year, Chicago TARDIS. Of course I picked him up. I'm new to the My Little Pony Fandom, so he's my first pony Funko. And he's adorable. I loves him. I picked two Funkos up at that convention, but the second one didn't make this list, so you'll meet that one soon. Haha. (Or you can catch a glimpse to the right of this picture... lol)

5: Stone Cold Steve Austin

When I was... a baby? Haha. VERY YOUNG. Until I turned 13 or so, I loved... wrestling. It was a family love. Everyone loved wrestling. WWF and WCW. Old school stuff man. My favorites included Shawn Michaels, Brett Hart, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Al Snow. Then in the mid to late 90's and early 2000's, Stone Cold Steve Austin showed up. And I was hooked on him. I loved this guy. (Can you tell I was never really "girly" as a kid? lol) I couldn't get enough. Mom bought me a subscription to RAW Magazine, because between that and WWF Magazine, RAW was the more "inappropriate" one, and therefore had more Steve Austin in it. I bought everything Steve Austin. You know those foam fingers you see at sports arenas? Steve Austin had a black middle finger. And damned right I had one. I had a Stone Cold license plate. And an Austin 3:16 flag that is still around. And like I mentioned in my song 5 fandom, I had posters of this guy on my wall, right next to my BSB and NSYNC posters. So I HAD to get the Funko. He reminds me of my childhood. And he'll always be a part of that.

Phew! I wrote way more than I thought I would. lol.

Iggle Squiggle's 5 Fandom Friday

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