Friday, March 20, 2015

5 Fandom Friday - My Comfort Films

Comfort films!!

1: The Birdcage

This movie. THIS movie. I love this movie. So. Very. Much. I've loved this movie since it came out. And sometime during early high school, when I was prone to nasty nightmares and crippling panic attacks, I found out that this movie was the only thing to calm me down. There were some terrible days when I would fall asleep to this movie... only to wake in panic as soon as the movie ended. So I'd rewind, (REWIND, yeah it was a VHS) and press play. This would continue throughout the night. Even now, if I'm super upset for what ever reason, I'll put this on. It still calms me down.

2: How to Train Your Dragon

Most of my comfort films are newer, this one being from 2010. The sequel probably also falls under the category of comfort as well, but I'll just choose the first one for this list. It's just so cute, I love it! I love the human characters, and I love the dragons. It's so great. I can marathon this movie. I do marathon this movie. It's great background when I'm creating things.

3: The Princess Bride

As a kid, I would most often watch one of two movies - Dirty Dancing, and The Princess Bride. Dirty Dancing is still a movie I'll watch every now and then, but The Princess Bride is still a movie I watch pretty often. Every few months I think, more or less. It's just such a great movie. And Cary Elwes! Mmm. Also, look at how cool that title is on the 25th anniversary cover! LOVE IT.

4: Tangled

 Honestly, for this, it was between Enchanted and Tangled, but Tangled wins just by a bit. And really, it's probably because I own the widescreen of Tangled and the fullscreen of Enchanted. I hate fullscreen. Either way, they're both comfort movies. I love this movie. I have it on my phone so I can watch it if I'm on the train or something and don't have data. It's such a cute movie.

5: Pitch Perfect

This has become my current default movie. When I'm sitting there, wanting to watch something but don't know what... I turn this on. It replaced What's Your Number? in default movies. I don't know how many times I've watched this movie. Enough to bore the crap out of Boyfriend. Haaha. I don't care. It's my default movie, dag nabbit.

Those are my top five comfort movies! Another runner up is, well, Up. But I don't know where my copy of Up went! So I haven't watched it in a long while. Every single one of these top five movies I've watched in the last two months. ❤

Iggle Squiggle's 5 Fandom Friday

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