Friday, March 27, 2015

5 Fandom Friday - One Fandom Item Styled Five Different Ways... JUST KIDDING

Yes, just kidding. Today's post is not about today's 5 Fandom Friday topic because, simply said, I do not have the ability to style an item five different ways.

My wardrobe is 87% geeky Tshirts. 10% jeans. 3% etc.

The thought had crossed my mind to make a joke out of it. Wear my TARDIS necklace and snap five almost identical pictures of me wearing that necklace with five different Doctor Who shirts. But eh, I didn't want to put all that effort in to the joke. lol.

So! Instead! I've decided that should a topic not work for me in the future, that I shall go back and do a topic I missed! I started in January, so there's three months of topics I did not do.

I won't be doing all of them, because a few of those topics don't work for me either - for instance, I'm assuming they want interesting apps I can't live without... and not just gmail, the camera, and like, Chrome. *shrug* lol

MOVING ON!! Today's post will be... in no particular order...

Comfort Foods That Always Make Me Feel Better

1: Baked Chicken and White Rice

Image found here
I am a fan of chicken. It is my favorite meat. I loved so many chicken dishes. But baked chicken with plain white rice on the side is a comfort food for me. When I was younger, our family couldn't afford fancy. And chicken quarters (quarters being the thigh and leg together) were cheap. A pack of four chicken quarters was baked for dinner almost daily when I was little. My mum and dad would have one each, then I would have two thighs and my brother would have two legs. We'd eat this with plain white rice, a staple in my family.

Despite having this dish almost daily as a kid, I never got tired of it. And nowadays, I find myself craving it when I'm bummed. It's so simple to make, too! Cover chicken with whatever seasons you feel like putting on it, stick in oven and bake until cooked. lol. ♥

2: Sweet Rice Soup

Image found here
Googling "sweet rice" to find a picture was not so helpful, although it did suggest I add "Filipino" to the search, and, since my mum is filipino, that made sense to me. But that proved unsuccessful as well. Instead I searched "sweet rice soup" and finally "rice soup" to actually find images that look similar to what I'm used to.

Turns out Rice Soup is a Chinese-Thai thing. I think my mum has distant relatives from that area, so it makes sense. Whenever I was sick, she would make this for me. From the recipe I found, it looks like this is often served plain when sick, or as a side dish to spicier foods. But my mum always gave us sugar to add to it. And now that's the only time I ever want this dish - when I'm sick, and with sugar.

3: Meatloaf

Image found here
Meatloaf. Heck yeah. I used to absolutely adore my dad's meatloaf. So tasty. SO TASTY.

...And then he found a long lost recipe of the meatloaf he loved that his own mother used to make and switched.

I personally liked his old recipe better. A lot better. Go figure.

As a result, a few times a year you'll find me trying to recreate his original recipe from taste memory. It was fairly simple, and involved spices, mashed potatoes, cheese and ketchup. Sometimes I feel I'm close, sometimes not so much. But I never write the recipe down. I've found it's kind of fun, constantly trying to recreate a dish I loved so much when I was little. And the meatloaf is always good, regardless of whether I'm close or not.

4: Eggs

images put together from all over the internets

EGGS!!! Eggs eggs eggs, eggs eggs eggs eggs.


My ultimate comfort food. It can be the easiest and quickest this to make when I'm in need. It can also get a bit more complicated, but I love it all no matter what. Scrambled is my current go-to, when I find myself in need of eggs.

But I also love and have made (many times) every egg dish you see in that picture: scrambled, poached, hard boiled, volcanoes, eggs benedict, egg drop soup, fried eggs, omelettes, egg salad sandwiches, scotch eggs, and deviled eggs.

These were all the eggs I could think of when I was writing this post. And seeing all the pictures here right now makes me wish Boyfriend hadn't eaten all of our eggs yesterday!!! Must. Get. More. Eggs.

5: Spaghetti
Image found here
Finally, we have spaghetti. Sometimes I prefer the spaghetti with meatballs, most times I just like adding ground meat to the sauce. No matter how I make it, I love it. Boyfriend and I have mixed tastes sometimes, and spaghetti is often one of the things we split on.

We end up having to make two different sauces. Because he prefers a simple, no veggie sauce with mixed ground meats, while I prefer a sauce with ground beef and plenty of delicious veggies added, oh and a smidgen of sugar added for some sweetness.

Sometimes, if I'm cooking just for myself, (because Boyfriend hates this one) I'll make whole wheat spaghetti with vodka sauce.  Mmmm.

Iggle Squiggle's 5 Fandom Friday

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